- Rochefeuille E., Alicalapa F., Douyère A., Vuong T. (2017). Rectenna Design for RF Energy Harvesting using CMOS 350nm and FDSOI 28nm, IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), 25-28 septembre 2017, Le Cap (Afrique du Sud). 2017 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO),. doi: Réf. HAL: hal-01696046
- Douyère A., Rivière J., Rochefeuille E., Dubard J.-L., Lan Sun Luk J.-D. (2017). Etude du couplage et analyse des performances d’une rectenna PIFA à faibles niveaux de puissance, Assemblée Générale GDR Ondes, 23-25 octobre 2017, Sophia Antipolis (France).. Réf. HAL: hal-01630705
- Rochefeuille E., Alicalapa F., Douyère A., Vuong T. (2017) FDSOI 28nm performances study for RF energy scavenging , IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (IEEE RADIO 2017), Sep 2017, Cape Town, South Africa. IOP, IOP Conference S
eries: Materials Science and Engineering, pp.012009, 2018, DOI :〉
The CARERC project is featured in :
- The weekly magazine « Regard’Ensemble », which covers the island’s economic activities: from 2’35 of the video :
- News Report on the TV news FranceTvinfo La 1ère : from 3’30
- Zinfo974 website :
- CARERC special participation in the Sustainable Energy Forum organized by IOC, 04/ 9-11/2019
- Participation in the GdR RSD (CNRS); LPWAN thematic days, Lyon, 07/11-12/2019 and Scientific Poster presentation