Home » Completed Projects » DeepRun » R&D


The DeepRun project consists of three actions:


Action 1: Design of a multi-scale image recognition tool

  • Bibliography on multi-scale Deep Learning image recognition tools
  • Development of a scientific tool specific to the conditions of the Reunionese territory
    • Operation of hydrogen converters in a tropical environment (humidity and temperature)
    • Diversity of Reunionese cultures and steep relief
  • Creation of databases with satellite images (Pléiades) and new truth maps from the DEAL REUNION / IGN
  • Creation of databases for hydrogen converters

Action 2: Application to the recognition of land use on a landscape scale

  • Detection of crop types and generation of fine maps of land use (1 per year)
  • Cross-referencing of maps (risks, deposits, uses) for photovoltaic decision making

Action 3: Application on a microbubble scale at the electrochemical cell scale

  • Creation of databases and detection of bubbles/droplets, then determination of operating regimes
  • Coupling of the obtained spatial distributions to models and design of a multimodal diagnostic tool