Scientific Operation #3 : Network Interconnected & Energy Transport
Smartphones, UAVs, temperature or motion sensors… By 2020, 50 billion devices will be connected to a vast network: the Internet of Things, whose technology used is the wireless sensor. There are many challenges ahead. One of our team’s concerns is the energy autonomy of the sensors.
The sensor networks are perfectly integrated into the daily life of the population for years to come, especially in smart city projects. The multitude of data that OS3 Researchers will be able to measure and collect will be as many services to people that can be developed (among other things in the form of business creation).
Energy Optimization of Sensor Networks
The scientific operation focuses mainly on:
- The precise definition of the energy evolution of the network, both at local level (node and its constituents) and global (the network as a whole and communication protocols)
- The development of topologies and routing protocols at low energy cost
- Energy/information coupling, with integrated RF energy recovery within communication protocols and in the power supply of network nodes (Wake Up Radio or Radio Trigger).